Honor and Memorial Gifts

A donation designated in honor or in memory is a thoughtful and meaningful way to celebrate someone special in your life while supporting CancerLINC’s mission to ensure that no cancer patient goes without needed support services.

Honor the memory of someone special with a donation in remembrance. We’ll notify their loved ones of your gift, which allows their legacy to live on by making a lasting impact on local cancer patients in our community.

In Loving Memory

Donna Addison
Joan Allen
Majesta Allen
Joe Bartlett
Mary Baskerville
Paul Bassett
Norman & Margaret Blackwell
Lucy J. Bland
Gloria Estelle Torrens-Billings
H. Gale Bogle
Stanley Saul Brager
Maria Felicia Brodecki
Patricia L. Bryant Yerby
Lourdes Villaranda Burley
Kevin Burns and Veretta Avery
Andrew Campo
Ed Coglio
Bob Cole

William “Yogi” Conyers
Earl Cox
Diane Deutsch
Bruce M. Eanet
Susan Early
Dr. Hurley Ellman
Michael James Everett
Raymond Fearnow
Tony Fortunato
Attorney Robert G. Fracasso, Sr.
Jennifer France
Rose Suyes & Jim Frank
Phyllis May Friday
Steven Friedman
Tony Fortunato
Weldon “Herbie” George, III
Amanda Gettings
Brenda L. Hall

Darnell Henson, Sr.
Susan C. Hirth
Joan Crown Hodges
Ronne Jacobs
Andrew M. Johnson
Debra Johnson
Tom Jones
Alene Katz
Doris B. Katz
Roz, Sol, & Lori Kaplan
Nancy Gilliam Kulp
Krista Latshaw
Fay G. Lewis
Victoria Marcelino
Ann Markham
Brion Maund
Angie McCormick
Richard W. McDaniel

Vange Miller
Joseph & Sylvia Pluto
Patricia Prout
Virginia Redd
Janice Reilly
Richard Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Rosenbach
Marianne Russell
Gertrude Saliga
Doug Smith
Patrick Smith
Rosemary Hoffman Smith
Isabelle M. Spohrer
Ana Lynn Vernon
Abbie Waters
C.G. Winston
Vina Wise
Gordon Zedd

In Honor Of

James & Cheryl Atchison
Charles Barbare
Elizabeth Agnes Crane BarkerRobbie Bassett
Katherine Gaines Bell
Pam Bernardo
Dennis Brewer
Richard Butts
Bob Cole
Gloria Cooley

Saundra Daily
Billie Dismer
Martha Gore
Chris Fulara
Dr. Paula Fracasso
Jim Frank
Dr. Mary Helen Hackney
Wendy Harrell
Allison Held
Pauline W. Herring
Ann Hodges

Charlotte Jamerson
Tom Jamerson
Erik Kristian Josephson
Phyllis Katz
Tracy Labin
Lisa Meyer
Jeff & Casey Parker
Michael S. Plotkin

Mary Riley
Sarah Saunders
Michael Schuldiner
Leslie Shelton
Rose Suyes
Earl T. Thompson
Marty Wegbreit
Chris Williams