Ways to Donate

CancerLINC can also accept the following types of donations:

  • Stock and securities (Stock Donation Form)
  • Gifts from Donor Advised Funds (DAFs). If you have a DAF, please consider recommending to your fund manager that they support CancerLINC.
  • 401K and Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from IRAs (Article)
  • Employer Matching Gifts
  • Insurance policies or partial beneficiary designation
  • Gifts of certain property and real estate
  • Estate gifts through wills, trusts and beneficiary designations

Example language: I give to the Legal Information Network for Cancer (aka CancerLINC) the (sum of $ _____ or describe property) to be used or disposed of as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

I give to the Legal Information Network for Cancer (aka CancerLINC) (all or ____%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my (or the trust) estate to be used or disposed of as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion.

Our tax ID number is: 54-1817025.

A financial statement for CancerLINC is available upon written request from the Virginia Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs.

14 Ways to Show Support

Pass the word! Tell your friends and neighbors about CancerLINC. Many patients who contact CancerLINC found out about us through friends, relatives, and other cancer patients. Help extend our reach!

Make a donation. Mail a check to our office at 200 South 3rd St, Richmond, Va 23219, or give online here.

Become a volunteer. We are always seeking volunteer attorneys and financial advisors to help local cancer patients with their issues.  Occasionally, we need event and office volunteers to help with special projects.

Become a monthly supporter of our mission – an easy way to give. Go to our Donation page and click on ‘make this a recurring donation’ at the top of the page to set a monthly gift amount.

Make a gift in honor or in memory of someone. Pay it forward. Visit CancerLINC’s Honor and Memorial Gifts page and make a dedication at the bottom.

Can your gift be matched? Ask your employer if they will match gifts to CancerLINC.

Attend one of our events. Visit our Events page to view upcoming events, fundraisers and free informational seminars.

Donate stock or securities. These gifts can provide advantages to the donor as well as CancerLINC. Contact our office at (804) 562-0371, or click on Stock Donation Form.

Hold a fundraiser. Proceeds from restaurant nights, backyard barbecues, horseshoes competitions, yard sales and more can help support our services.

“Like” our Facebook page and Follow us on Instagram. Stay up on the latest CancerLINC news, events and conversations. @cancerLINC and facebook.com/cancerlincrva.

Direct your purchase rewards through Walmart Spark Good. Sign up at Walmart.

Join our Legacy Society. Make a gift for the future and enjoy the benefits now. Contact our office at (804) 562-0371 to learn how you can include CancerLINC in your estate plans.

Sign up for our eNewsletter! Subscribe here to receive our monthly newsletter sent directly to your inbox.

Invite us to speak to your group. CancerLINC staff are pleased to talk with your group, club or religious organization. Contact our office at (804) 562-0371, to learn more.

Support us through workplace giving. Donations can be made to CancerLINC through many workplace giving campaigns including United Way, Community Health Charities and more. Call us at (804) 562-0371 for details.